Buying or selling a business can be a traumatic experience. We’ll discuss actions you can take to educate and equip buyers and sellers so they have a great experience and become raving fans. We will cover:
Seller Experience
Creating an amazing Seller Journey from the first meeting to the closing table
Managing Seller expectations throughout the process
Marketing Update Letters
The importance of “Remember when …”
Avoiding Commission Breath
How to secure online reviews after a closing
Asking for referrals, testimonials, and testimonial videos
Buyer Experience
Sales automation tactics to help manage the large number of buyers in the marketplace
Managing Buyer expectations throughout the Buyer Journey
Educate and Equip buyers so they are more likely to identify the right business for them and write an offer
Asking for online reviews from buyers
Following up with buyers after closing and creating future sellers
Presenter: Chris Jones
Track: Fast Track to Success
Credit: 1